Reduced thickness, groove opening, and maximum versatility in the choice of finishes: these are the characteristics that make the Alea door unique for compositional possibilities and customisation. A linear design made of flat surfaces and geometric volumes, capable of redefining the kitchen environment by combining a very high operational capability with a minimalistic style.

- Typology
- Kitchen
- Door thickness
- 22 mm
- Top thickness
- 12-20-30-40-52 mm
- Base units opening type
- With profile
- Tall units opening type
- With profile and with spacer
- Wall units opening type
- With finger-pull
- Upper elements for tall unit opening type
- With handle tip-on and spacer
2 Schrankwände
3 Unterschrankblende, lineare Elemente
4 Steckdosen, lineare Elemente
5 Abschlussseiten, Ergänzungselemente
6 Ebenen, lineare Elemente
7 Backsplashes, lineare Elemente
8 Rückenlehnen, lineare Elemente
9 Shaker, ausgestattete Rückenlehnen, lineare Elemente
10 Deep Shaker, ausgestattete Rückenlehnen, lineare Elemente
11 Boiserie und Regale, lineare Elemente
2 elementi sopra la colonna
3 colonne alte
4 articoli al giorno
5 Battiscopa, elementi lineari
6 Fianchi di finitura, elementi aggiuntivi

Glossy lacquer
Mat lacquer
Metal lacquer
Embossed lacquer
Mat laminate
Mat laminate touch
Mat Glass
Glossy glass

Для навесных шкафов с нижним проемом профиля. Для колонн, открывающихся с помощью распорки или со встроенной ручкой, окрашенной в черный цвет. Для надколонных элементов, открывающихся с помощью распорки или открывающихся на острие.
Open frame with fixed shelves of a thickness of 12. The open base elements cannot be used with shelves within the support frame.
Framed columns and shelves (with a depth equal to the frame) of a thickness of 26 in wood, with fixed shelves and glass holder shelves in painted sheet metal with a thickness of 5. The front profile in painted aluminium with a depth 13 and a thickness of 5. Wicker baskets l 376 h 193 d 426.
Open frame in wood with a thickness of 26 and fixed shelves in painted sheet metal with a thickness of 5. Each shelf is complete with a backlit block with Emotion Dual-Colour LEDs from 3000 K to 4000 K, 2.6 W. The open base elements cannot be used with h 6 shelves within the support frame.
Shelves, hanging bars, grid l 300, flap with accessories or fixed door l 600-900, panel with electric profile for Eubiq accessories, glass shelf l 600, container bar in DuPont Corian®, backrest behind the hob or sink.
2 Profilo laterale
3 Profilo superiore
4 Profilo angolare per sostenere la boiserie dall'alto
5 Boiserie
6 Copertura da 150 l per il riempimento del telaio di supporto dello zoccolo
7 Spessore ripiano 12
8 Spessore ripiano 3
Wall panelling are available in different finishes and can be fitted with shelves. The presence of the shelves interrupts the boiserie panel. The shelves cannot be moved.
Wall panelling are available in different finishes and can be fitted with shelves. The presence of the shelves interrupts the boiserie panel. The shelves cannot be moved.
2 Барная стойка под высоким шкафом
3 канала с несколькими светодиодами
4 Профиль освещения Multi-LED для навесных шкафов или сушилок для посуды, используется только в навесных шкафах d 410
5 Двухцветный проектор, встроенный в нижнюю часть настенного блока
Selectable colour temperature 3000 K or 4000 K thanks to the dual-colour method, colours that are closer to natural light, one warmer and one whiter.
2 экстрактора многофункциональных ламп Kiton
3 Распашная дверь с многоцветным светильником Kiton
Contains horizontal interior lights with Kiton multi-LED lamps. The bases l 300, 450, 600 are supplied with 1 sensor, the bases l 750, 900, 1050, 1200 are supplied with 2 sensors. They are also available for customised bases. It is possible to select the colour temperature 3000 K or 4000 K thanks to the dual-colour method. The colours simulate natural light, with one being warmer and one being whiter and therefore brighter.
2 навесных шкафа с вертикальными многоярусными светильниками, h от 360 до 1200
Vertical interior lights with multi-LED lamps for the compartments of tall units and wall units with hinged, tilting, tilting and folding doors. Designed to be used with one lamp for compartments less than 750 mm wide and two lamps for compartments of equal or greater width. Selectable LED temperature 3000 K or 4000 K thanks to the dual-colour method. The colours simulate natural light, with one being warmer and one being whiter and therefore brighter
2 высокие колонны и колонна с распашной дверью, 1380 л.
Selectable LED temperature 3000 K or 4000 K thanks to the dual-colour method. The colours simulate natural light, with one being warmer and one being whiter and therefore brighter.