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persone poli

The people

The people

A human company

An industrial excellence, whose true value are its people, a work ethos seen as social value and the protection of the territory.

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Poliform has been growing steadily both in term of sales turnover and personnel since its establishment. Company workforce consists of 714 people (712 directly employed by the company and 2 with agency work contracts) the highest number since its foundation.

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There are 121 women working the company, which translates in approximately 17% of total workforce. The presence of women is predominant in clerical jobs, where it reaches 84% of the total number of women employed, and 46% on the total number of employees. The number of male employees is predominant (97%) in the activities connected with production.

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Approximately 51% of company workforce is in the 30-50 age group, even though there has been a steady increase in personnel under the age of 30 and over 50, in the three-year period being reported. It is to be noted that most of the work done in Poliform requires specific experience and different technical skills.

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The employment of young people is a strongly felt issue; since 2021 Poliform has engaged in a recruiting campaign mainly targeted at people under 30, which led to the hiring of 20 young people (approximately 36% of total hires) in 2023 out of a total of 55 new hires.

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Nel 2023 sono uscite 52 persone in totale, di cui 31 (circa il 60% dei dimissionari totali) sono uscite per raggiungimento dei requisiti di anzianità.

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Job security and the positive working environment in the company is confirmed by the analysis of personnel turnover, which remains stable, with a slight decrease in 2023, notwithstanding the tendency to job-hop which characterizes many workers in the current Italian job market.

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In terms of type of contract, 96% of personnel has a permanent work contract which represent a further guarantee for long-term employment and job security.

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The creation of jobs in local communities is measured by the percentage of local employees, i.e. residents in the municipalities adjacent to Poliform’s sites, on the total number of employees. The strong link with local communities is proven by the company’s ability to create jobs in neighboring towns: approximately 96% of employees and 100% of senior managers come from local communities. Few employees work part-time schedules due to the nature of work, which requires a full-time presence in the company. In 2023 four women and one man took parental leave.


In 2023, Poliform rolled out 400 hours of non-mandatory training and 3585 hours of mandatory training, with an overall 45% increase of training hours compared to 2022.

Training courses are subsidized, whenever possible, by corporate funds, such as FondImpresa (Italian interprofessional  fund established by Confindustria) following approval by the trade unions.

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Every year, in addition to regular inspections and maintenance on machinery, training sessions are organized on environmental and safety issues to raise awareness among workers and supervisors; in 2023 Poliform provided almost 3600 hours of specific training.

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Poliform has structured an internal department, staffed by two people, exclusively dedicated to training clients and their architects and interior designers.

Health and safety

The concept of health and safety is shared at all levels, thanks to the support of the Head of the Prevention and Protection Service (in Italian RSPP, Responsabile del Servizio di Prevenzione e Protezione) and it provides for the full involvement of the corporate organization, from company management to employees.

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Fifteen work related injuries were reported in 2022, 5 of which sustained while commuting to work. A slight increase on the total number but with a lower severity index.

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