An industrial excellence, whose true value are its people, a work ethos seen as social value and the protection of the territory.
In 2023, Poliform rolled out 400 hours of non-mandatory training and 3585 hours of mandatory training, with an overall 45% increase of training hours compared to 2022.
Training courses are subsidized, whenever possible, by corporate funds, such as FondImpresa (Italian interprofessional fund established by Confindustria) following approval by the trade unions.
Every year, in addition to regular inspections and maintenance on machinery, training sessions are organized on environmental and safety issues to raise awareness among workers and supervisors; in 2023 Poliform provided almost 3600 hours of specific training.
The concept of health and safety is shared at all levels, thanks to the support of the Head of the Prevention and Protection Service (in Italian RSPP, Responsabile del Servizio di Prevenzione e Protezione) and it provides for the full involvement of the corporate organization, from company management to employees.
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