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poli ambiente

The environment

The environment

Environmental responsibility and safeguard of the territory

Poliform is aware of the role it has in the local community in which it operates and is actively committed in safeguarding the environment and the surrounding area. To better manage every environmental aspect of its activities, Poliform has  adopted the UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 standard certified environment management system since 2018. 

Poliform is aware of the role it plays in its community and is actively committed to safeguarding the environment and the surrounding territory. To better manage every environmental aspect connected to its activities, Poliform has adopted the UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 standard certified environment management system since 2018. The system, as well as keeping the full compliance with laws and regulations, aids the company in promoting the continuous improvement of its environmental performances and in defining risks and opportunities.

The environment

The water resource

Water resources are used in limited quantities during production and exclusively for painting processes.

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Spray paint booths, to be found in some of our facilities, are fitted with water recycling systems, where the same water is used for many cycles. There are no industrial effluents, any wastewater from spray paint booths is handled as waste.

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Water consumption for the three-year reporting period did not basically change, a sign of the attention paid by company personnel on the issue of saving water.

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A decrease of water consumption equal to more than 5 L/K€ sales turnover was recorded in the three-year reporting period.

Safeguarding the landscape

All company buildings, which stand out for their rational and rigorous architecture, were carefully built to integrate with the surrounding landscape.

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The sites are located very close to each other to optimized intra-site shipments, reducing the distances and therefore emissions in the atmosphere.

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Poliform has seven sites located in the Brianza Legno e Arredo (wood and furnishing) district, covering an overall surface of 123.500 square meters.

Energy management

Our production plants are exclusively powered by electricity. Poliform’s production units and offices are heated using energy produced by our own combustion power plants, which burn wood scraps to produce energy.

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The Poliform sites of Anzano del Parco and Lurago d’Erba are fitted with photovoltaic plants which were put into operation in 2021. The new photovoltaic plant at the Mirovano site was put into operation in 2022; the new plant increased the self-production of energy from renewable sources by more than 25%.

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In 2023 Poliform produced 607.600 kWh of electricity thanks to its photovoltaic plants, covering 7,6 % of the company’s total energy requirements.

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The following chart show the trend of self produced electricity by the company’s photovoltaic plants in the three-year reporting period. The decrease is due to the fact that production at the Inverigo site was suspended for approximately 3 months due to technical problems.

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The consumption of electricity remained constant in the three-year reporting period; however, the same data compared to company turnover, shows a reduction trend of approximately 5 kWh every 1.000 € sales turnover in 2023 compared to 2022.

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In addition to the thermal energy produced by the combustion of wood dust scraps, Poliform uses methane gas to heat its facilities. The increase in consumption recorded in the 2021-2022 two-year period is due to the installation of two new furnaces at the Mirovano site, which replaced the old diesel furnace. The two furnaces have a power of 1047 kw and 870 kw respectively, and are used to produce thermal energy both for manufacturing processes and heating work spaces.

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The first furnace was installed in September 2021, the second one in the second half of 2022. The actual decrease in the consumption of diesel fuel for heating purposes can already be detected from consumption data pertaining to 2022: the installation of the new furnaces resulted in a decrease in consumption for heating purposes of 55.000 L. Consumptions decreased a further 6.000 L in 2023. Diesel fuel is also used for transport purposes; there is a fuel pump at the Inverigo site to refuel company’s vehicles.

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The consumption of diesel fuel is also gradually decreasing both in absolute value and compared to company’s turnover; in 2023 there was a decrease in consumption of diesel fuel of 0,06 L for every 1.000€ of turnover compared to 2022.

Emissions into the atmosphere

All production sites are fitted with chimneys which release the byproducts of wood cutting and painting processes in the atmosphere. All chimneys are listed in the environmental authorizations of each facility and undergo routine inspections to verify the compliance with permitted emissions limits. All inspections have always confirmed the full compliance with emission limits for every chimney.

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Direct emissions generated by company activities (scope 1) and indirect emissions resulting from the procurement of energy (scope2) were calculated. In detail:
Scope 1: natural gas and diesel fuel consumptions, new installations of equipment containing coolant gasses.
Scope 2: procured electricity

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Scope 2 emissions were calculated using the “market based” method. Said method (MB Residual Mix) takes into consideration the energy delivered by the Utilities supplier net of Guarantees of Origin. This method supports accurate calculations of GHG emissions and closely represents the actual situation. The “location based” method, on the other hand, takes into consideration the national average energy mix.

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The chart shows a reduction of Scope 2 emissions in 2023 compared to 2022, equal to a reduction of 206 Tons of CO2 eq.

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The final balance of greenhouse gas emissions, expressed as tons of CO2 eq., shows a decrease of emissions in 2023 of 353 Tons of CO2 equivalent compared to 2022.

Waste and circular economy

The company has shown its commitment to tackle the important issue of waste management by implementing projects of circular economy over the years.

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Reclamation of material and energy are privileged processes for waste diverted to third parties for processing, rather than being directed to disposal. The quantity of waste to be reclaimed in the 2021-2023 three-year period was over 94% of total waste generated. This result was obtained by carefully differentiating waste inside the company.

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Hazardous waste represents a very small percentage of the total amount, equal to 4% in the three-year period.

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Plants to produce thermal energy by combusting wood dust were installed at the Arosio, Inverigo and Lurago d’Erba facilities. Large quantities of wood dust, a byproduct of cutting scraps, is thus reclaimed to produce energy to be used internally in each production site. Approximately 2.000 tons of scrap wood are reclaimed every year, with a thermal yield of approximately 4 billion kilocalories.

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The following chart shows the quantities of wood dust reclaimed from each site in the three-year reporting period. The quantities of wood scraps reclaimed to produce energy are constantly increasing.

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Distillation plants for spent solvents were installed at the Arosio, Inverigo and Lurago d’Erba facilities.

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